Power-Plate es el aparato de entrenamiento más sofisticado que hay ahora mismo en el mercado, la única plataforma vibratoria que tiene un certificado médico de nivel II (esto quiere decir que es adecuado para tratar lesiones y ayudar en la rehabilitación muscular) estando presente en varios de los grandes centros médicos y terapéuticos.




Incrementa la fuerza y potencia muscular

-        Alivia y reduce el dolor crónico de espalda, además de tonificar de modo seguro y eficaz la musculatura abdominal y lumbar.

-       Es un instrumento beneficioso para disminuir la aparición de celulitis.

-       Estimula de modo eficaz la circulación periférica

-       Puede ser utilizado para intervenir en la pérdida de peso, concretamente en la perdida de grasa.


-       Incrementa la densidad ósea y puede prevenir de la osteoporosis y osteopenia relacionada con la edad.




Con Power-plate  solo necesitará 20 min  2 veces por semana.



Es un metodo que incrementa nuestra capacidad de consumo de oxigeno y el flujo sánguineo en muy poco tiempo lo que genera un alto gasto calorico.

A nivel metabólico el gasto calorico es alto durante la sesión tanto como en las 72 horas siguientes.

Algunas referencias científicas de Power-Plate

Bent R. Ronnestad (2004) “Comparing the performance- enchancing effects of squats on a vibration platform with conventional squats in recreationally resistance-trained men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Bent. R Ronnestad (2009) “ Acute effects of various whole –body vibrationa frequences on lower-body power in trained and untrained subjects . Journal of Strenght and Conditioning Research.

Bogaerts, A, S Verschueren, C Delecluse, A Claessens and Boonen (2007) “ Effects of whole body vibration training on postural control in older individuals, a ! yerar randomized controlelled trial, Gait & Poosture Vol 26 (pag 309-316)

Bosco. Carmelo., Marco Cardinale, Olga Tsarpela y Elio Locatelli (1998?) “New trends in training science: the use of vibrations for enhancing performance

Bosco. C, Iacovelli. M, Tsarpelka. O, Cardinale. M, Bonifazi. M, Tihanyi. J, Viru. M. De Lorenzo. A , Viru. (2000) Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. European Journal of applied physiology.

Broadbent, S, JJ Rousseau, RM Thorp S, L Choate, F.S Jackson and D.S Rowlands (2008) “Vibration therapy reduces plasma IL-& and muscle soreness after downhill running” British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Cardinale. M and Jon Lim (2003) Electromyography activity of vastus lateralis muscle during whole-body vibrations of different frequencies. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Carter, D, A, S. Barret, K, Small and R, Lowell (2009) “The effect of different active soccer re-warm ups on muscle power; lower limbs stability and markers of hamstring injury.” Abstract (univ of Hull)

Cochrane, D.J, I.D Loram, S.R Stannard and Rittweger (2009) “Changes in joint angle, muscle tendon complex length, muscle contratile tissue displacement and modulation of EMG activity during aute whole body vibration” Muscle and nerve, online.

Cochrane, D. S, Stannard, A. Sargeant, and Rittwegger (2008) “ The ratre of muscle temperature increase during aacute whole body vibration exercise” European Journal of Applied Physiology Voi 103 (pag 441-448)

Cormie, P, R Deane, N Triplett and J McBride (2006) “ Acute effects of whole body vibration on muscle activity, strength and power” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research vol 20 (pag 257-261)

Corrie, H, K. Brooke-Wavell, N. Mansfield, O, DSouza, V. Griffitths, R. Morris, A, Attenborough and T. Masud (2008) “Effect of whole body vibration on bone formation and resorption in older patients; a randomized controlled trial”

Casajun, José Antonio (coord.) Vicente Rodríguez, Germán (coord.) (2011) Ejercicio físico y salud en poblaciones especiales. Exernet. Madrid. Consejo Superior de Deportes-.

Di Loreto, C. A, Ranchelli, P, Lucidi, G. Murdolo, N, Parlanti, A De cicco, O, Tsarpela, G, Annino, C. Bosco, F. Santeusanio, G,B. Bolli, and P, De Feo (2004) “Effects of whole body vibration exerciese on the endocrine system of health men” Journal of Endocrinal Investigation Vol 27

Gerard Moras, Julio Tous, Cesar Juan Munoz, Josep Maria Padulles, Lisimaco Vallejo (2006) “Electromyography response Turing whole-body vibrations of different frequencies with progressive external loads. Buenos Aires. Revista digital www.efdeportes.com 

Jacobs, P.L and Burns (2009) “Çacute enchancement ol lower extremity dynamic strenth and flexibility with whole body vibration” Journal of Stregth and Conditioning n 23

Jiménez, Alfonso (coord.) (2007) Avances en entrenamiento de fuerza. 1Er Seminario Internacional de plataformas vibratorias y 1Er Clínica Internacional de la NSCA-CC en España. Madrid. Demas Communication

Kelderman Janneke, (2001) The Power plate a new application in physical therapy? Gronningen

Lohman, E. J Petrofsky and H Betts (2007) “The effect of Power-Plate training on lower extremity sdin blood flow in normal subjects” Medical Science Monitor.

Lowell, R. S Barrett, D. Carter, A. Midgley and K, Small(2009) “Effet of whole body vibration during the half time interval on 2nd half soccer-specific power performance” (annual basses conferecnce in Leeds)

Marín Cabezuelo Pedro J (2008) “Efectos neuromusculares del entrenamiento por medio de vibraciones “Madrid. II Congress Fitness y Salud.

Marin. Pedro J and Rhea Mathew (2009) Effects of tonic whole body vibration on delayed-onset muscle soreness among untrainded individuals” Journal of Streght and Conditioning vol 23.

Marin. Pedro J and Rhea Mathew (2010) Effects of vibration training on muscle power: A Meta-analysis. NSCA. Journal of strength and conditioning research.

Mathew J. Jordan, Sthepen R. Norris, David J. Smith and Walter Herzog (2005) “Vibration training; An overview of the Area, training consequences, and future considerations. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

M. M Norlund, A. Thorstensson, (2007). “Strength training effects of Whole-body vibration?. Singapore. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

Prue Cormie, Russell, S Deane, N Travis Triplett and Jeffrey M. McBride (2006) “Acute effects of whole-body vibration on muscle activity, strength and power. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Rehn. B, Lidstrom. J, Skoglund. J. Linstrom.B (2007) “Effects on leg muscular performance from whole-body vibration exercise; a systematic review”. Singapore. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

Rittwegger. J, Beller. G and Felsenberg.D (1999) Acute physiological effects of exhaustive whole-body vibration exercise on man. Berlin

Stewart, J. C. Karman, L. Montgomery, and K, Mcleod (2005) “plantar vibration improves leg fluid flow in perimenopausal women” American Journal of Physiology, vol 288 (pag 623-629)

Tous Fajardo, Julio, Moras Ferliu, Gerard. (2004) “Entrenamiento por médio de vibraciones mecánicas; revisión de la literatura”. Buenos Aires Revista digital www.efdeportes.com

Verschueren Sabine, Delecleuse Christophe and Roelants Machteld (2003) Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training. ACSM

Verschueren.S , M. Roelants, C. Delecluse, M. Goris(2004) Effects of 24 weeks of whole-body vibration training on body composition and muscle strength in untrained females.(Stuttgart-Nueva York) Int Journal of Sports Medicine.

Verschueren.S , M. Roelants, C. Delecluse, S Swinnen, D Vanderschueren and S Boonen (2004) “Effect of 6th month whole body vibration taining in hip density, muscle strength and postural control in postmenopausal women; A randomized controller pilot study” Journal of bone and mineral research, vol 19.

Vissers, D. K Ides, C. Vercruysse, S. Trujien and L. Van Gaal (2007) “Oxygen uptake during whole body vibration in overweight women” Finland.

Yamada, E, T Kusaka, K miyamoto, S,. Tanaka, S, Morita, S, Tanaka, S. Tsuji, S. Mori, H. Norimatsu, and S. itoh (2005) “Vastus lateralis oxygenation and blood volume measures by near infrared spectroscopy during whole body vibration” Clinical Physiology and functional imaging, vol 25.